All Year Round, There is Work to Do Pt. 02

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Episode description[edit | edit source]

Arnald Low, Co-Organizer and spokesman of the Low Committee would like to remind you of your obligations for the upcoming festivities.

Butchers, cheesemakers: The damp cave has been cleared and is ready for your produce, with the same arrangement of shelves from last year. Please arrive in the morning to unload. Any onsite butchery or preparation is to take place outdoors only.

Witches, Priests, Proclaimers: Early blessings will take place at sundown, though this will be handled by the Low Committee and your presence is not mandatory. You are welcome to arrive at the same time as our other guests.

Fruits and vegetables: Despite our best efforts, pest control methods around the eastern entrance to the Low Caves have failed for the second year in a row. As a result, please only use the Southern vestibule for storage to prevent loss and spoilage. . We understand the stairway descent will make this difficult. We can only apologise.

Candlemakers: Please arrive 3 hours before sundown. Current sundown calculations can be found on page 413 of the almanac. Do not be late. If lighting is not in place before sundown, the illumination of the caves will be patchy at best and dangerous at worst. Remember that Kerrinda, who went into the dark, was never found. She does not call for followers.

Contents[edit | edit source]

Plot[edit | edit source]

Cast[edit | edit source]