Ocean's Roar

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Ocean's Roar is a New Earth Hegemony scientist, based out of the allocology Duality. Together with his cousin, Wind's Poem, he is the leader of the group Truance.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

He is of Puerto Rican descent, and has a shaved head and a carefully manicured beard.[1]

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

He and his cousin came to the Mirage in the second wave of colonists. 

Ocean's Roar is the project leader on the Compel Project; a gun designed to work within the Mirage, the Compel Project combines elements from the Axiom Compel with the Reframe System to produce a "point and click device, that makes something nothing. It uses the Mirage to rewrite small places in space until they are empty." Effectively, this is a gun.

 Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Both him and his cousin, Wind's Poem, are named after albums by Phil Elvrum, performing as Mount Eerie.

References[edit | edit source]