Official Merchandise

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Friends at the Table has released multiple runs of Official Merchandise.

Merchandise that is still available can be purchased at Fangamer and

First Fangamer Collection

The first round was launched May 14th, 2019[1] through Fangamer. It consisted of:

The map and shirt sold out within a few hours[5], and a second round of printing was announced later that day.[6]

GenCon Poster

Prior to GenCon 2019, an announcement was made for a poster, drawn by Annie Johnston-Glick, featuring Sige and Aubrey from Marielda. A form went out to gauge the interest of attendees.[7] There was an excess of posters left over, which were sold on August 16, 2019 on Shopify[8].

Hieron Finale

On September 15, 2019, posters were announced[9] to celebrate the end of Seasons of Hieron. These posters featured the covers of Autumn, Winter, and Spring in Hieron (designs by Craig Sheldon). They were sold at

Bluff City Zoo Snowfari

On December 5, 2019[10], FatT released a series of merchandise inspired by the Bluff City Zoo. This "Snowfari" collection was designed by Lily Pfaff and featured a sweatshirt, T-shirt and tote bag. Products were available for purchase at

Second Fangamer Collection

A second Fangamer collection launched for preorder on August 25, 2020[11]. It consisted of:
