Jodie O’Brian

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Jodie O’Brian is a pro bowler and IRS agent.


Jodie is around 26 or 27 years old at the time of the IRS' investigation into Sonny Veranda.

History and Involvement

Jodie's father was a pro bowler. She followed in his footsteps, bowling well enough through high school and college to receive a college scholarship for bowling.

Her skill as a bowler also helped her get her first undercover assignment with the IRS: investigating Sonny Veranda under the guise of being the resident pro bowler at his bowling alley, The Splits. The name she uses for this cover identity is Jonie O'Brien.[note 1] Tawny Buck calls her "Jo" because she cannot keep the Jodie/Jonie thing straight.

After Sonny's arrest, the Whitaker family murders Jodie’s father in retribution for her meddling in their affairs. She is blackmailed into working for them as a hitman in addition to continuing to work for the IRS. Although she and Sonny occasionally cross paths in their new lines of work, their relationship is much colder than it was when they worked together at the bowling alley.



  1. Dre: "Jodie spells O'Brian with an a. Jonie spells it with an e."