Florence Slowly

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Florence Slowly is a former BCPD detective and private detective, and current Concern Agent. She was a Concern Agent in past as well, although it is not clear where that fell in the timeline of her life.


She is described as a tall white woman, and having the appearance of someone who “arrives in a scene quickly but immaculately prepared”.

During her investigation into the death of Hector Hu, she was described as being in her mid-to-early 60s and looking like "Tilda Swinton in every Cohen brothers movie she has ever been in" and “Tilda Swinton playing an actor playing a policeman”.

During Messy Business, she wears a light coat and nondescript grey dress with a white collar with a puce casual mesh veil as a disguise. She later takes Agent Sleeves' peacoat, as it is warmer.


Florence believes that she has a duty for her city and respects that instinct in herself and others (most notably in Gale Green's decision to return to Blough City). Prone to violence and panic, Florence meditates by closing her eyes and letting out a deep breath “as though she [is] very frustrated by everything around her”.

She doesn't drink alcohol.

History and Involvement

In her days as a BCPD detective she worked with Hector Hu on two cases. The first went extremely well, and the second (a fairly big bank robbery which Hector believed the coast guard was behind) went terribly, and “as a result [she] fell out with two people: [she] fell out with Hector Hu and [she] fell out with the coast guard”.

After her retirement from the BCPD, Florence became a private detective, with retirement having made her “sharper, more bird-like”. She is a member of the PI forum ‘Elementary’, which she does not go on much but always leaves via a temporary ban.

After the events of Hector’s murder investigation, Florence makes it safely back to her home, reuniting with her daughter. She continues her work as a detective, remaining unaware of her past as a Concern Agent until Hector begins to contact her. Although she only remembered Hector as a radio man, she had actually known him and worked with him as an agent of the Concern. Hector slowly brought her memories of the Concern back.

After rejoining the Concern, she was a level green agent mentored by Senior Agent Baxter. She was surprised to see Chris Andrews as part of the Concern, particularly after their interactions with Agent Ward during their investigation into Hector's death.

Florence has a daughter, Rebecca, who she raised on her own. Further details about her daughter are unknown at this time.


Messy Business


Cover: Documents: The Agent carries official-looking identification.


Force: Aggression (kill, destroy, damage).


Meditation: The Agent may spend a Commendation Point to subtract 1d6 from their Heart Rate.