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The treaty was not signed, it was marked with a vow of mind and flesh, or ⸢Vow⸣, was the first excerpt of the third-generation Divine Privign. They died long before the events of Twilight Mirage, being the first of around 25 thousand years of excerpts of Privign.

Among the possessions that were stored in ⸢Signet⸣'s monument to the fallen third generation Divines were items that originated outside the fleet. This included a badge with symbols ⸢Signet⸣ was unfamiliar with, along with pictures of people from a "uniformed armed services or organization" which revealed that this excerpt was not from the fleet.[1] Considering Privign was a Rapid Evening observation station, they may have been an early Rapid Evening observer.


  1. Episode 18, 39:30