Ocean's Roar

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Ocean's Roar is a New Earth Hegemony scientist, based out of the allocology Duality. Together with his cousin, Wind's Poem, he is the leader of the group Truance.


He is of Puerto Rican descent, and has a shaved head and a carefully manicured beard.[1]

History and Involvement

He and his cousin came to the Mirage in the second wave of colonists. 

Ocean's Roar is the project leader on the Compel Project; a gun designed to work within the Mirage, the Compel Project combines elements from the Axiom Compel with the Reframe System to produce a "point and click device, that makes something nothing. It uses the Mirage to rewrite small places in space until they are empty." Effectively, this is a gun.


  • Both him and his cousin, Wind's Poem, are named after albums by Phil Elvrum, performing as Mount Eerie.
