Saint Wynter

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Saint Wynter is one of the four Saints from the Garden. Her mother was Saint Wynter before her, but since her mother died she has taken on both her title and her mech.

She is eager to prove herself to the other Saints and admires how "noble" and "loyal" they are. She is quick to sulk and lose her temper, but is also very willing to step forward and take action to help deal with the Axiom Ache.[1]


Saint Wynter is about twenty years old. She has freckles, red hair, an aquiline nose, and a pageboy haircut.[2]


She has a stock Saint mech that looks like a knight with a glass-covered cockpit in the chest. She wields a mech sword.

After the leg of her mech is broken by Even driving a truck into it, Gig helps repair the mech and adds new tyre wheels that allow her to do cool back flips and roller skate style stunts.[1]
