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Hilda Quick, more commonly known by her superhero name Paternoster, is a superhero working in Bluff City.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Hilda is a 17- to 18-year-old white woman with a broad smile and large, stained-glass wings. When asked about her wings, Hilda will say that the day she was born, the stained glass windows in the east wing of St Paul’s Cathedral broke and when they repaired it, there were pieces missing that formed the shape of her wings. These wings grew with her until she stopped growing.

She wears stylish, designer clothing of the type that “a British person who is excited to be in a warmer country" might wear: oversized or loose-fitting white shirts and striped linen trousers, for example.[1] When in costume, she wears a flight jacket with a fur-lined collar similar to a fighter pilot or bomber jacket.

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Hilda is from London, England, where she was a well-known and widely beloved superhero who worked alone. She and her family relocated to Bluff City because of her parents' jobs. (While she had originally hoped they would move to the west coast of the USA, she was okay with the idea of moving to Bluff City.) Her fame followed her: Paternoster is a household name in Bluff City as well. She holds fan meet-ups at The Step.

After arriving in Bluff City, she joined up with Grouse, Mr. Good, and The Champ to fight crime. She feels positively about the collaboration: instead of being only very beautiful and famous, the team allows her to be very beautiful and famous and also fight crime.[Note 1]

On the first day of the school year at Bluff City High, Hilda flew to school, keeping pace with the school bus.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Hilda's main powers come from her stained glass wings, which look similar to the art for the Gift of Orzhova Magic: The Gathering card by Johannes Vosscan. Her wings can be used to reflect an refract light to move in strange ways. She is able to display a changing pattern of colours of her wings to form images that can be entrancing to those who look at them.

Although her wings are solid and made of glass, they can be tucked down to be hidden inside a modified backpack that Hilda wears.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Time for the Show (Superior)[edit | edit source]

When you put on a flamboyant display of your powers, roll +superior. On a 7-9 name one NPC present. On a 10+ name two NPCs present. The named NPCs must either volunteer help or information, express admiration, or ask for your help. GM's choice. On a miss, your display catches the attention of someone watching in the wrong way.

Take it from Me (Superior)[edit | edit source]

When you comfort or support someone who openly admires your celebrity persona, roll + superior instead of mundane.

Relationships[edit | edit source]

The Champ[edit | edit source]

Elena Flores, a.k.a. The Champ, is infatuated with and very protective of Hilda. Mechanically, this means that Hilda has Influence over Elena. For her part, Hilda thinks that Elena would make a great sidekick.

Elena, like all of Hilda's teammates, also has Influence over Hilda.

Mr. Good[edit | edit source]

Franklin Bano, a.k.a. Mr. Good, is Hilda's teammate. He has Influence over Hilda.

Grouse[edit | edit source]

Chanticleer "Chanti" Park, a.k.a. Grouse, is Hilda's teammate. She has Influence over Hilda. Hilda thinks that Chanti might become even more of a star than her one day.

Amanda Dialect[edit | edit source]

Amanda Dialect is Hilda's PR agent in Bluff City. Amanda organises her press events and public appearances.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Footnotes[edit | edit source]

  1. Jack, "When Justice Is Done Pt. 0": "I honestly believe that without the team, I’d just be very beautiful and famous. And with the team, I’m very beautiful and famous, and I can work to, you know, find crime and do stuff like that."

References[edit | edit source]