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The Formation of the Divine Principality

See the Road to PARTIZAN for more details.

The First Major Houses

After their departure from the Twilight Mirage, the Divine Free States, under their leader Aram Nideo, and the Principality of Kesh, under the Rapid Evening, joined together to form the Divine Principality. The Divine Free States and Principality of Kesh formed the first two major houses, calling themselves Stel Nideo and Stel Kesh. This was immediately proceeded by a number of small skirmishes between minor houses which prompted Nideo to develop the "Many Stars" argument, which alongside Asterism, would come to define the philosophy of the Divine Principality.

Expansion of the Principality

While many smaller cultures such as the Hypha were quickly subjugated by the Divine Principality, some would fight back with galaxy redefining consequences. Notably HORIZON, formed from resistance within the Rapid Evening who sought to unseat Aram Nideo, fought to keep the Galactic core free from the Principality. Their team delivered the capricious Divine Perennial to Earth, where she took over a system of nanomachines becoming incredibly powerful and causing massive disruptions to technology across the galaxy with the Perennial Wave that both impaired the Principality's FTL capabilities, but also caused significant destruction of life both organic and synthetic.

With the Principality off balance they faced a significant barrier in what became known as the Divine Clash. An alliance forms between the Orion Combine, who reunited against the threat of the Principality, and the Beneficial Coalition, who formed from what was once the Autonomous Diaspora. Whey fight together for some time until the alliance came to an end when the Orion Combine deployed the EDICT System giving them the ability to shut down and control Divines. Betraying their allies in the Coalition, Orion used their system to bargain their way into the Principality as the third major house, Stel Orion. Shortly after the Principality regains the ability to use FTL travel though the creation of the Portcullis System, which they used to recruit the Columnar, a synthetic people who were hit hard by the Perennial Wave. After being integrated as Stel Columnar a subgroup of organic cyborgs known as the Equiaxed where stripped of their semi-autonomous status and subjects of study by Stel Orion.

The Perfect Millennium

The Principalty declares the start of their Perfect Millennium, and shortly after becomes aware of miracles being performed on Partizan by an Equiaxed prophet, Logos Kantel. After Kantel refuses to cooperate with the Principality, Stel Nideo rebrands Kantel's following under Progressive Asterism to assimilate it with their existing state religion. This also prompts the Principality to push forward into the Scutum-Centaurus Arm but their ships are immediately stuck down and delivered an ultimatum by the True Divine; the Principality would never expand to Scutum-Centaurus, and they would progress past the avaricious empire they had become, otherwise the True Divine would annihilate them. The Principality responded by creating a secretive shadow government known as The Curtain of Divinity that would encourage growth and equity over generations, while hiding the truth of what lies beyond the Scutum-Centaurus.

With the Scutum-Centaurus Arm out of reach, the Principality turns to their next target - the Apostolosian Empire. Knowing a drawn-out war could only lead to their defeat, the Apostolosian Apokine travels to the Princept to negotiate peace, though they . Failing in their assassination attempt, the Princept takes advantage of the situation to secretly replace the masked Apokine with an agent from the Principality, who quickly folds the Apostolosian Empire into the new Stel Apostolos, the last major house of the Principality. Stel Apostolos becomes the front line of the Principalities ongoing war against the Branched, who have kept the Golden Branch star sector free of the Principality, with the planet Kesh either joining or being captured by the Branched, and Stel Kesh desperate for it to return to their control.

The Fracture of the Divine Principality

See Partizan for more details.

The Perfect Millennium

Many generations later Stel Nideo kidnaps the Princept from Kesh, they are rescued by Stel Apostalos, who raises Dahlia, the Living Princept. with the support of the Apostolosian people Dahlia declaires they will be the next Apokine and Princiept, after revealing the ancient plot to swap the Princiept. In Stel Kesh Cynosure Whitestar-Kesh declares that Dahlia's claim to the title of Princiept is a ploy by the Aposolosians to gain power, and that he is the rightful Princept, taking up the title of the Peaceful Princept with great support from Stel Kesh and backed in secret by The Curtain. Tensions are high between the Stels, and things soon escalate into an all out war.

Millennium Break

Kingdom game -> Finale

Operation Shackled Sun

Finale game