Cynosure Whitestar-Kesh

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Cynosure Whitestar-Kesh is one of the Princepts of the Divine Principality. His title is the Peaceful Princept, and he is on the side of the Curtain of Divinity.


He is described as a middle aged bureaucrat with salt and pepper hair, handsome in a "gaunt" sort of way. Jack facecasts him as Keir Starmer, the (at time of recording) leader of the Labour Party.


Cynosure is largely a figurehead, lacking in his own ideology.[1] He was not raised to be the Princept, and his awareness of that shortcoming is part of what makes him a poor one. He is not particularly talented at speeches, and when confronted with a tense situation is more inclined to complain than take action.[2]

After the events of PARTIZAN Cynosure seems to be more involved with the politics of the Divine Principality, notably chastising and hanging up on the Lace of the Curtain and Divinity after the theft of the Divine Discernment.

History and Involvement


Cynosure was not meant to inherit the position, but instead was thrust into it as part of Stel Kesh’s attempt to hold onto the title after Dahlia defected to Stel Apostolos. When he was still “only” Cynosure Kesh, he was a mediocre negotiator of economic policy (notably losing ground to Stel Orion’s Rye, elect of Space, during the Kesh-Coronet Trade Dispute of 1390) and an even more mediocre poet; having written the much panned collection “In All Days the Sun Second” which has been described as miserable[2], shitty[1], and not particularly well regarded[2].


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While attending the Summer Passage of Arms in 1423 of the Perfect Millennium he is kidnapped by Millennium Break and kept aboard Icebreaker Prime for some time. He's primarily restricted to his quarters, but does attend a mixed-Asterism service within the base with an awkward solemnity, and more Principality aligned members of Millennium Break are still deferential to him. After Millennium Break takes Cruciat, he is traded back to Kesh as part of prisoner exchange organized through Stel Nideo.


In the time between PARTIZAN and PALISADE, Cynosure negotiated a treaty with Rye naming terms of war between Curtain and Pact forces. He has seemingly become more involved in the actual affairs of the Divine Principality.


Lucia Whitestar

Lucia Whitestar is Cynosure’s daughter[3], and one of the major generals of the Whitestar family. Cynosure has great confidence and trust in her military ability.

Clementine Kesh

Clementine Kesh is Cynosure’s first cousin once removed.[4] Clementine knew him as one of her older relatives before he was declared Princept, though they were not close.


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After Cynosure’s kidnapping by Millennium Break, he is glad to see Clementine, if only for a sense of normalcy. This quickly changes when Clementine attempts to impress upon him the reality of Millennium Break preparing to take Cruciat. Cynosure pushes back, arguing that Millennium Break must be an Apostolosian ploy, and laughing outright at Clementine’s ambition for the throne of the Winter Palace.



  1. 1.0 1.1 PARTIZAN 27: Millennium Break: She said, "To Win We Must Play!"
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 PARTIZAN 28: Millennium Break: The Storm Over Cruciat
  3. Notably Lucia is referred to as Cynosure’s cousin at one point, and his daughter in a later episode. Based on the context, with the cast audibly checking before saying she's his daughter, it is assumed this is the correct version of the family tree.
  4. Probably. Crysanth Kesh is referred to as “Cynosure’s cousin” while Clementine is referred to as his “Second cousin”. Assuming the first is correct, Clementine should be Cynosure’s first cousin once removed, rather than his second cousin. A few minutes after establishing this Cynosure refers to Clementine as his niece, which is close enough.