Figure A

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Figure A is a synthetic being that once worked inside of the Divine Past. Their job was to make the data the Divine had available to it more understandable by other people. They are used to taking in a lot of sensory input at once.

A long time ago, the group in control of Past realized that they were too costly a worker, and so they were deactivated and placed on display.[1]

When Past crashed outside of Obelle, Figure A was inside. They were then recovered by Exeter Leap, who bought them online and began restoring them.[2][3] They eventually joined the pirate crew of Exeter Leap as an agent of Millennium Break.

They resemble a DUM-series pit droid from Star Wars, but with four arms (two just big enough to reach a keyboard, and two longer). They have a lowercase alpha (α) on their chest.[2]

Appears in
