Assimilative Perspective system

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(Redirected from Perspective Blending)

The Assimilative Perspective system is a technology developed by the Columnar Tabulary, including the March family, before their interactions with the Divine Principality.

Before being assimilated into the Principality, the democratic process of the Columnar was centred on joining together the thoughts of hundreds, thousands, or even millions, to arrive at policy decisions. This “Perspective Blending" was the heart of their democratic system, but was phased out when they joined the Divine Principality and replaced with tracked, representative democracy.

Perspective Bleeding[edit | edit source]

A derivative of the Assimilative Perspective system, “Perspective Bleeding,” offers a taste of that experience for just a few credits, if you know the right person. In Orzen, Gucci Garantine uses a Perspective Bleeding device not to relax or explore the consciousness of others, but to temporarily gain access to the skillset of someone else for the duration of a mission.[1] The Perspective Bleeding device looks like a wire recorder.

References[edit | edit source]