Red Stevens

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Red Stevens is an old veteran wrestler who started in the late 80s (pre-Promenade Wrestling).

He debuted as "Hot Rod" Red Stevens, which was a golden boy/Spingsteen type gimmick (“he fixed cars, he wanted to be the best there ever was”). The gimmick never really got over with the audience, the merchandise (including the Hot Rod toys) didn't sell, and Red left to wrestle in the mid-atlantic.

Years late, he returned as Blackjack, a masked vigilante type. His face was disguised with black face paint in a card face motif. When this still proved to be unpopular with fans, he cut a promo where he slowly wiped the face paint off in-ring (“you know who I am”).

He now wrestles as a Steve Austin/Dusty Rhodes-style anti-hero everyman. He is technically a face, but is more of an anti-hero than his initial golden boy gimmick.

His entrance song is a hard rock cover of ‘Born to Run’ by Bruce Springsteen.

He is described as hot, with short hair that's starting to go grey, and a beard.