Hollis Whitaker

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“A rude mouth and a penchant for very loud parties.”

Hollis Jewels Whitaker is the 20-something son and heir to the Whitaker Family.

Prior to the start of Extracurricular: Out Of Time, Hollis was caught in a roadside encounter with the police and some mobsters. In the aftermath of this, three cops were dead and Hollis was placed under house arrest, only saved from immediate jail time by the massive influence of his family. He is relatively unworried by the arrest, continuing to hold wild parties at his mansion since he cannot leave.

He has a deep fascination with things outside of Blough City (“all my favourite things are imported, all my favourite people are imported”), and has styled his house with many items from “out of town”. He also seeks out associations with people from out of town, such as Alexandra Hughes.

After his arrest for the murder of several Myst officers, Hollis decided to lean into his criminal identity despite being innocent of the crime and began to plan his revenge on those who framed him.

Hollis is a skilled engineer, and assists in his family’s bootlegging business. He told Horseface that he was taught his skills with plumping equipment by "a friend of the family".

He believes that talking to animals would be a waste of time, and that hamster would be a boring animal to own.

He is white, and is described as a “pretty boy”. When seen in Extracurricular: Out Of Time, he is dishevelled and hungover, with hair that is normally oiled and gelled back but is currently grown out a little bit too much and stubble (creating an effect that “in the movie version [...] would be hot” but is gross to see in reality), and wearing a bathrobe.