Cory Curtis

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Cory Curtis, or "CC" to her friends, is a 12 year old wannabe punk rocker from Bluffington Beach. She currently attends Bluffington Beach Middle School.

She and Frankie have been neighbours for many years. Recently she has been told that her parents plan to move, although it’s unclear if they will be using the tunnels to travel to Bluff or Blough City or to somewhere else within the same world as she is currently in. The furthest that she has currently ever been from Bluffington Beach is to the next state over, when the entire family accompanied her older brother to a convention he wanted to go to. As she doesn't want to leave, she is putting off packing until the absolute last minute and has not yet started.

Her bedroom is cluttered, with a big chunky CD player that she got a couple of Christmases ago which has a couple dents in it.

Rather than biking, CC uses a scooter.

When playing Smash 0 with Frank, Nolan and Ronny, she mains Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

Tales From the Loop Mechanics

Kid type: The Rocker

It was a worn cassette tape that changed your life, when that song had finished playing you had found a home. You are an insane hard rocker, who’s high on life and plays music so loud the windows crack. In any case, you wish it would be like that but, you just learned to play ‘C’ on the electric guitar, and soon you will form a band down at the recreation centre.

Skills: Move (2), Charm (3), Empathise (2), Contact (1), Lead (1), Investigate (1)

  • Luck: 3
  • Body: 3
  • Tech: 2
  • Heart: 4
  • Mind: 3

Song: ‘All The Small Things’ by Blink182

Iconic Item: A second hand electric stratocaster squire guitar with an electric sunburst design on it and duct tape on the head of it (bought from a yard sale).

Drive: “I want my big brother to think I’m cool.”

Pride: “I can play guitar.”

Problem: Her family is about to move away.


Nolan Pearson: Nolan’s annoying but he makes me laugh.

Ronny Lee Highsmith Jr: I’m worried that Ronny is going to replace me.

Frankie Already: CC and Frankie’s families are friends with each, they have known each other since childhood.

NPC Relationships

James Garret: Mr Garret keeps calling my music “noise”.

Theodore Curtis: Theo has been sneaking out of the house at night ever since mom told us we were going to move.


The cool lady at the music store who lets me hang out there after school.