Marcos Soto

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Decades ago, Marcos was a well known member of the Glim Macula and Sapodilla's lingering aristocracy. Last seen decades ago, on his way to a private performance by Davia Pledge.

Marcos Soto was a member of the Glim Macula who, several decades ago, was turned into a human component of Davia Pledge's Perpetual Oratorio and has been playing ever since, his hair growing out and his life preserved by horrifying occult means.

Virtue Mondegreen dissected him to gain information about the Oratorio. This killed him, though she managed to play it off to her compatriots as an accident in trying to disconnect him safely.

In Episode 29, outside the armory of the Interred Citadel, the party encounters portraits of Soto and one Florence Hollowfield[1], charmed using Heritrix souls to let off an alarm on seeing intruders. These souls were dispelled when Es cut out a strip of canvas containing the portrait eyes.

  1. Presumably the mother or another antedecent of Felix Hollowfield.