This page constitutes a list of resources for fans of Friends at the Table, including listening guides, transcripts, and more.
Listening Guides[edit | edit source]
- The fattinfo carrd listening guide, by fattwiki webmaster Lee.
Transcripts[edit | edit source]
The FatT transcription project is fan-organized, official, and paid.
- Master list of publicly-available episode transcriptions. May also be accessed by entering the URL
into a browser's address bar. - Official Twitter account
- Transcript search tools
ROT13[edit | edit source]
ROT13 (rotate 13) is a simple cipher that is often used online to hide spoilers where other spoiler-hiding methods are not available. Since FatT fandom largely formed on Twitter, fans often use ROT13 when tweeting about new episodes. You can decode ROT13 text the following ways:
-, a barebones decoding site
- rot13 extensions for various browsers such as Firefox and Chrome
- Mobile apps, such as Rot13 for Android or Rot13 (Unix Flashback) for iOS.
Discord[edit | edit source]
- An invite link for the official fan Discord server can be found at
Press[edit | edit source]
- INTERVIEW: The Best Mecha Anime of 2020 is a Podcast, by Adam Wescott at Crunchyroll (2020): An interview with the cast about the anime and other influences that shaped PARTIZAN.
- The Power of Imagined Worlds: An interview with Austin Walker, by Felan Parker at First Person Scholar (2016): An interview with Austin conducted shortly after the end of COUNTER/Weight about "roleplaying games...criticism, media, worldbuilding, nostalgia, fandom, and critical theory."
Misc.[edit | edit source]
- Friends at the Table Reference Material (@reference_table) is a Twitter account which catalogues some of the media references mentioned on the show. This account is also on cohost, at FATTReference.
- Friends at the Table: All Games Played is a spreadsheet of all the games played on the show and related information, including one-shots and Live at the Table, compiled by @hellavarawr.
- FatT Playlists Compilations is a spreadsheet of Austin's playlists for each season, the cast's character playlists, and fan-made playlists, compiled by @joeytheprince.
- Twilight Mirage Name Generator: a generator for names used by various cultures depicted in Twilight Mirage. Has additional options for names originating specifically with the New Earth Hegemony or the By-and-By. By April (@threadwalker).
- Twilight Mirage Excerpt Generator: A generator for Twilight Mirage Excerpt-style names, drawing from a poetry database. By @shannonkao