Syd Ruiz

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Syd Ruiz is a 20-year-old recent hire to Graysand Paranormal, taking a job there over the summer. Her stepdad made her get a job and Graysand was the only place that would hire her that wouldn’t require her to remove her piercings (she previously worked as a bartender, presumably at college).

The job featured in The Cost of Greed occurs during her first week working at Graysand, and is her first paranormal investigation, where her role was primarily as their videographer for their new Dailymotion pilot. She also operates as Greysand's driver, as her father owns a van that she is able to borrow when he isn’t using it for his hobby carpentry projects.

Her girlfriend works at the Walgreens next to the Museum of Maritime Oddities, and so when not working at Graysand Syd often visits the Museum.

Syd dresses in “very casual clothes” - a t-shirt featuring her friend’s band, a vest with studs, and jeans.