Bluff City 26: Extracurricular: Out Of Time Pt. 0

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Episode description



Egg Disaster On Monkfish Ave. As Egg Truck Overturns

Copper Thieves Take A Tumble

Fire Department Expands East, Bonfire Regulations Remain

Mysterious Phenomena Division Seizes Twelve Tons of Paper

Boardwalk Resurfacing Efforts Stalled Once More

Fog Bank Inbound, Weather Advisory

Wreck of The Catafalque Memorial Well Attended

Mayor’s Office On Pale Lights, Glimpsed: “No Comment”

Hot Weather To Continue, Fishmarket Hours Curtailed

Bavette’s Champagne Fountain Demonstrated, On Sale Soon

Skell School For Mathematics and Grammar To Open On Oarfish Plaza



Ollie, you are not gonna believe what I found last night. I was riding my bike down near the WaWa, when- no. No, the one in Margate, the one near Lucy? What was I doing at Lucy? Listen to yourself! "What was she doing at the big elephant hotel?" Come on, Ollie, you know what I was doing: I was looking for cool shit! [pause] No, no, I didn’t find any cool shit at Lucy. But what I did find, when I was riding my bike down near the Wawa in Margate, if you’ll let me finish my story, was really cool!

So! There I was! Riding my bike. Down near the Wawa. And what do I see? One of those big blue and red Bluff City Studios vans. No one’s seen those in years! Not since the strike when the studio flooded, and that whole place got shut down. And? Get. This. Its back doors… were wide open! And— no. No, I didn’t see the news. I came home and I calle— what? There wasn’t a shootout near there, I would have heard it! Unless it happened… when I was in Lucy… I… anyway, stop interrupting me! I’m getting to the good part!

So I throw open the doors— I mean, the doors were already wide open. And in the back, there was this black briefcase with chrome etches, and it was unlocked. So, I opened it. And what do I see. Bagged and boarded, issue number one of Extracurricular. What do you mean, what’s Extracurricular? It’s Extracurricular! Okay, well, it’s, like, this comic. Yeah, superheroes. Um, it’s set here, in Jersey, well like, fake Jersey. Fake Atlantic City. And it’s about these teenagers who are like, trying to fill the shoes of these other adult heroes, who sorta disappeared? It’s great. And in issue one, they fight the Eel King. Yeah, it’s like a big, weird eel monster, and it explodes, and everybody gets new powers, and— no, not eel powers. Just, other kinds of— if you read the comic, you would know what I mean, Ollie! Anyway, I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet.

So I get to the end of the issue, you know, I go to turn the page, to the back where there’s like the advertisements and the letters to the editor and all that stuff, and what do I see: issue number two! The comic… keeps… going! No, it isn’t a collection. It’s not a reprint, it’s just, it’s a single floppy issue. I have it here in my hand! It keeps going! The stuff with the shark girl, and the mask guy, that’s all in here! It keeps- issue three is in here! It— I don’t get it either. But something weird is happening here. It’s like, it’s like something out of a comic book. And between that and the van, I just think— what? Yeah, fine, go to dinner, but DM me when you’re back, ‘cause I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet!


This episode is character creation only.
