The Long Way Around: Friends At The Table Soundtrack, Season Two

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The Long Way Around: Friends At The Table Soundtrack, Season Two is the soundtrack to COUNTER/Weight, composed and performed by Jack de Quidt.

Track listing

No. Title Length Description
1. The Long Way Around 1:44 The world is far, far from here, filled with piloted robots and flickering lights and organisations digging ever deeper into the ice on remote planets.
2. The Sermon of Sister Rust the waves used to roll above they're quiet now the ships used to fly above they're quiet now the chatter of radios the finest reality shows forget about all of those they're quiet now a long time ago the starlight strait stopped running and here in the dome the mesh's no longer humming so pull up a chair and sit beside the fire it's quiet out here at last you can listen to the choir we're blowing like dust in the sky and that's fine all things turn to rust by and by and that's fine and metal creaks overhead the air in the dome tastes of lead the wind cuts across the seabed and that's fine a long time ago the peace flew on broken wings so here in the dome we stick to the order of things so pull up a chair and sit beside the fire it's quiet out here at last you can listen to the choir