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A view of the city, its buildings separated by canals and small bridges.
The buildings of Oxbridge.

Oxbridge is a city on Partizan, located in the eastern part of Stel Orion's Low Slate. It is situated under a large aquaduct -- the Bridge of the Ox -- which connects ocean ports to the docks of largest freshwater lake on the moon. Oxbridge is a dense city of canals and crimson light, and the first large scale Principality settlement to come to the moon, nearly 1000 years ago.

Oxbridge is split into three regions: Brightsky West, Underbridge, and Brightsky East. To the East and West, merchants, nobles, and the ever-upwardly mobile live, work, shop and play. But below the bridge’s shadow is an undercity of laborers both local and transient, eking by from job to job, day to day, by the fuel of their effort and the light of the red, phosphorescent “lamps” that give Underbridge its distinct glow, even in daytime.

Connecting it all together are a network of waterways, roads, and secret tunnels. And above it all is the Bridge of the Ox, the symbol of Orion’s commitment to (and mastery of) brute-force ideology.[1]

Oxbridge is the home base of the Rapid Evening and hosts their favorite bar, the Deep Dish Steak House. The Oxblood Clan also headquarters here.
