Pomp Circumstance

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Pomp Circumstance is a young man who works at Funnel Cake By Stand on Kingfish Pier in Bluff City in 1899. He comes from money, although his parents did not and want him to work there to learn about the world and "what people are like" before he leaves for college. This is his last summer before he leaves for college, as he graduated high school the previous year to the events of America's Playground. As such, he agrees to go along with the hiest with his friends, seeing it as a last hurrah before he leaves.

He is seventeen and is described as having fair skin, a narrow build, good hair, and bright eyes. When seen in America's Playground, he is seen dressed in his uniform of a shirt, tie, paper hat, and apron. Later on in this arc, he is seen in a full cowboy outfit.

Mall Kids Stats: Preppy Playbook

  • Cred: 4
  • Corp: 2

(stats as of Part 5)