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People don’t often think of “lakeness,” and that’s because Erlin does the thinking for you. He embodies the relaxing, if humid, depths of Sangfielle’s many lakes.

Erlin is a tactful god of lakes.


Erlin is short with a graceful build and has round, charcoal-colored eyes. His body appears like water and he wears clothing of the essence of water (steam?).


In Market Day in Blackwick, Lyke creates a portal to a temple of Erlin.

The temple is large and open-air and made of cold, wet, blue stone. There's nothing gaudy about the temple. It is on a small island on a medium–small lake[1] where the climate is extremely humid.

In the temple, there is an expectation of quiet, similar to that of a library. People pray, sit and look at the lake, and whisper if speaking. There is a gift shop. Driftwood of a convenient size, stamped with the symbol of the temple, is available for purchase.


The character was created from a roll of the Seventh Sanctum Deity Generator, reading:

"This tactful god of lakes takes the form of a young man. He is very short and has a graceful build. His round eyes are charcoal-colored. His body looks as if it is made of water. He is usually portrayed as wearing an attractive uniform made from the essence of water. He carries a guidebook. He can walk upon water as if it was dry land."


  1. As compared to the lake near Blackwick, which is medium–large.