Tiny the Chihuahua

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Revision as of 02:02, 12 July 2022 by Katiediek (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)

Tiny is a very small Chihuahua with very pale (almost white) fur. Tiny is a very snappy, mean-spirited dog who “expresses love by biting”. Despite this, Tiny is the best of friends with its owner, Frankie Already, and the two go everywhere together.

Although Frankie doesn't like him, Tiny loves Nolan Pearson and is a large part of the reason Frankie tolerates him. Tiny is also quite fond of Cam, sitting in his lap while the kids ride in Cam's cab.

Tiny will sometimes be placed with a dogsitter while Frank is at school, as her parents sometimes find the dog's presence tiring. When this happens, they tell Frank the reason Tiny has to go to the dogsitter is because they will not be home.