Bontive Valley

From fattwiki

The Bontive Valley is a foggy river valley between cliffs, located on the planet Palisade. It was recently violently occupied and pillaged by the Curtain. In the aftermath, ⸢Wine⸣ was sent to contact Millennium Break for help.

Eversin is one small town in the Bontive Valley. Carhaix is a city in the Valley's northeast.

History[edit | edit source]

When the fledgling Divine Principality left Palisade—for reasons unknown by most—those few who refused to leave (unwilling to see themselves become part of a new empire) remained in quiet isolation, blessed by the gifts of the Divine Bounty.[1]

Faction Game[edit | edit source]

The faction game begins with the Bontive Valley as one of the pillars of Crusade's Division.[2]

References[edit | edit source]