Maryland September

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Dr. Maryland September is a former professor at the September Institute, and one of its founders. There is a statue of her in a park at the university. She is the author of a book called Strati and Sociologistics: Towards an Interventionist Structuralism.


Maryland is first seen in a recording from her younger days, before the establishment of the September Institute. At this time, she had red-orange hair and was wearing a green suit. She had a "pale face with the wrinkles of normal living" ("An Animal out of Context").

When Mako sees her old staff photo, she has "a rosy complexion, kind of tousled brown hair, and is squinting at the photographer as they take the picture" ("A Fractal Garden and an Intercepted Message").

In "Reaching Out", Maryland is described as being in her early forties, with high cheekbones and sullen eyes. She is thin from age, with her muscle wearing down, and has a slight curve to her back. She has shoulder length greying hair that used to be dark, and very dark brown eyes. Her clothes are surprisingly practical for the future: form-fitting, warm, and water-resistant hunting clothes in oranges, tans and khakis.

At some point during the time skip after the September Incident, Maryland begins using a wheelchair ("The Storm Over September").


Maryland believes in progress through technological advancement. She is explicitly proud of her and Ibex's work to bring corporate interests onto September. She is doubtful of Diasporan claims about Divines, whether ancient stories of Rigour or modern mythology, and of the Rapid Evening's fears about letting advanced technology out into the galaxy.

History and Involvement


Maryland was born into something like royalty on the Principality of Kesh, living in a manor and not be asked to work. She apparently hated this, and so found a way to escape for the wider galaxy.

She and her then-partner Ibex helped found the September Institute in the wake of Service leaving September. After uncovering the remains of an Apostolosian mech there, they appropriated its technology to create anti-Divine projects, including the beginnings of Voice, and launched research into the nature of Strati.

Maryland states she left her position at some point after the Golden War because people at the university wanted her to do things she found objectionable. The common knowledge is that she got sick, leading Twelfth to take over as Provost Regent.


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After Maryland retired, a line in her contract allowed the university to use her genetic data for the stratus program. An unknown amount of modified clones of her (including many Mako Trigs and Maritime Lapels) were produced and implanted with false memories. In addition, at least one clone was made directly in Maryland's image; it is unclear whether the "original" is the one in the vats, the one living outside the Institute, or even present at all.


Ibex sends the Chime to ask Maryland to leave September after communications on the planet are clouded by the arrival of Rigour. She refuses repeatedly.


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After the September Incident, she is trapped on September with Rigour and eventually dies there. The Maryland who'd been left in the vats under September kills Ibex while piloting a Rigour machine, before being killed in her turn during the subsequent fighting.



They were partners, and left their respective cultures together to live on September. After Ibex became a Candidate, they split up; their relationship was still good enough after that that Maryland was willing to ask him for help with her research at the Institute.

When Ibex sends the Chime to September, he still thinks fondly of her, but Maryland has become pretty critical of him and seems resistant to any kind of nostalgia.


AuDy and Maryland initially clash repeatedly due to their differing priorities and opinions.


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After the September Incident traps them both on September, AuDy and Maryland become mutual supports. She even makes them a new arm. Maryland asks them to check up on Kesh in a few thousand years, and they discuss the nature of time, Divines, and gardens. She manages to keep Liberty from fleeing for over four years, until her death.