Centralia Dome

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The Centralia Dome or Centralia is a domed city on the planet Counterweight and one of the largest on the planet.

It is fairly close to the Rethal-Addax Spaceport and the Krilham C-E-D Dome, and has maglev connections to Dome 23, Dome 32, the Diaspora Dome, and the OriCon Expeditionary Dome.

Monument Square

Monument Square is a district built around a park of the same name which houses statuary dedicated to heroes of the Golden War. The park is ringed by circular screens, like the ads around a basketball arena, that can play videos.

The district has been overrun by commerce and competing national pageantry. It features a mishmash of different architectural styles, from the "harsh-edged neon brutalism" of OriCon to the bright colors and curves of the Diaspora.[1] It is the center of wealth and power in the dome, and hosts a number of offices (including Orth's CCT office) and embassies.
