Live at the Table: Misspent Youth

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Episode description

Hey everyone, Austin here!

As those who watched along via YouTube earlier tonight can tell you, this episode of Live at the Table was something else!

For those who couldn't make it, well: Jack, Dre, Sylvi, and I returned to Marielda to fill in a few of the blank spaces we love to keep around. We played Misspent Youth, a game with serious levels of dramatic tension, that centers on young people fighting back an oppressive system.

Set during the one year gap between Marielda's "The Valentine Affair Pt. 4" and "Four Conversations" episodes, we jumped into the boots of some folks whose futures were left up in the air: The young students of the mysterious Yellow House, a school of esoteric and eschatologic studies. And before you ask: Yes, there is a weaver.

And remember: If you enjoyed this, please let your friends know where they can come support us and listen!


When I hear people tell the story of this town, they always skip an act. They talk about the war to the north, about the refugees and the bad weather, fire from above, the arrival of cold on the western shore. And then they jump to the story of how those brigands and thieves changed the history of this city, of this world, forever.

They cannot wait to tell you about the distant affection of gods and the sharp, sharp edges of dark, dark blades. I swear, to hear them tell the story of Marielda, that's all there is to it: Samothes, Samot, Maelgwyn, the Six. Sometimes they don't even mention me. They act as if the Lord of Ingenuity was the only source of authority in this town surrounded by a sea of fire, as if the sea of fire itself were not a second authority.

But, I am an authority on authority. And I have been around long enough to tell you that for every Lord with a capital "L," there is another, one happy to be written in lowercase, a little line. A little line determined to separate those in power from those in need. They wear capes and grins and expensive rings. They dance when others cannot afford to listen to music. They send soldiers into the lives of normal folk, and when the soldiers cannot march, they make rules instead.

Authority like mine is rare, but authority like that is everywhere. But in the history of Hieron, throughout all time, we are blessed. Because for each little lord, there is a clique of youthful offenders, ready to kick over the throne.


Part 1

Part 2

