Flash Nautilus

From fattwiki

The Flash Nautilus is a gigantic space nautilus that has been captured and forced into military service by Stel Nideo.[1]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

It is the size of a spaceship and can shoot plasma beams like a plasma cannon. When it charges its plasma beam, its tentacles glow pink.[1]

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

The crew of the Blue Channel encounters the Flash Nautilus during the mission to gain control of the Diadem Gravtrain. Cloaked so that it cannot be seen, it shoots plasma beams first at the railway roundhouse in Carmathen, opening up a hole in the building, and then at the Blue Channel and its crew as they pursue the train in which elite Nidean forces are escaping with the "train brain".[1]

Appears in[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]