
From fattwiki
Revision as of 23:35, 30 September 2023 by Rigormorphis (talk | contribs)

I love wasting hours on finicky details. If you see me blasting through fifty pages in a night to bring it in line with the style guide...sorry. (If I do accidentally mess something up, please let me know!)

I'm zeiat in the discord. just kidding i decided to stop confusing everyone and i'm rigormorphis there now too!

personal to-do list


Primary and Satellite

Primary and Satellite are distinct roles fulfilled by some agents of the Rapid evening. A Primary and a Satellite are paired together to carry out long-term surveillance of areas of interest, like the Twilight Mirage, with the authority and means to detonate a stellar combustor to destroy the star system for the good of the Principality. The Primary holds the detonator and the Satellite is connected to the combustor. Together their task is to observe and decide if or when to detonate the combustor.[1]

Known Primary-Satellite pairs include Demani Dusk and Gray Gloaming, [...]. [citations] In the PALISADE era, stellar combustors still exist and Stargraves fulfill the role once called Primary, while [enslaved?] individuals are forced to carry out the function once given to a Satellite. One such example is Stargrave Elcessor and the person [were they given a name?] wired to the combustor in the Palisade system.[2]