Ali Acampora

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Alicia Acampora, also known as Ali, is a cast member on Friends at the Table and the producer and audio editor of the show. She took over production duties from Keith J. Carberry midway through COUNTER/Weight. She also features on the Star Wars: The Clone Wars rewatch podcast A More Civilized Age alongside Austin Walker.


Main Seasons
Season Character(s)
Seasons of Hieron Hella Varal
COUNTER/Weight Aria Joie
Jace Rethal (Kingdom Arc)
Marielda Charter Castille
Twilight Mirage Tender Sky
PARTIZAN Kal'mera Broun
Eiden Teak (Millenium Break Arc)
Sangfielle Marn Ancura
Season Game Character
Bluff City The Cost of Greed Alexa Baker
There is No Greater Love Chris Andrews
The Grapplers Down at Promenade Arena Aqua Illusion (Erica Rizzo)
Messy Business Agent Ryder
Hard Luck Judy Waters
A Bowling Alley, a Boxer, and a Bird Darren Cruiser
Live at the Table The Skeletons Rohan
Lady Blackbird Captain Flashback
Dream Askew Samantha
BFF! Sophia
Lasers and Feelings Blush Gosling
Honey Heist Randy the Cowboy
Stewpot Cassin
Shooting the Moon Mellow Aster
Road to PARTIZAN Beam Saber Pidgeon