Golden Branch

From fattwiki

The Golden Branch Star Sector is a region of space located where the Perseus and Sagittarius arms of the Milky Way come together.

COUNTER/Weight[edit | edit source]

The Golden Branch has been host to conflicts between OriCon, the Diaspora, and the Apostolosian Empire. After the Golden War, much of Apostolosian territory has been taken by the other two great powers.

Center[edit | edit source]

Coreward Region[edit | edit source]

This region holds the remains of the Apostolosian Empire as well as the strongholds of the Rapid Evening.

Perseus Arm[edit | edit source]

The majority of these planets belong to the Diaspora.

Sagittarius Arm[edit | edit source]

The majority of these planets belong to OriCon.

PARTIZAN[edit | edit source]

In PARTIZAN and PALISADE, the Golden Branch is home to the people known as the Branched. It has long been the site of a war between the Branched and the Divine Principality.

Gallery[edit | edit source]