Toaster Wroaster

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Revision as of 14:56, 30 April 2023 by Rigormorphis (talk | contribs) (more info for infobox)

Toaster Wroaster is a Devotee who went missing during or shortly before the events of Orbital.[1] It is implied that this is when he was indoctrinated into the Cult of Devotion.

At the request of Toaster's cousin, Kengine Engine, Mustard Red tracked Toaster down. He resented being interrogated. During their conversation, Mustard took Toaster's hands in hers, and when she did so she felt the presence of the Divine Devotion for the first time. Toaster was also present at the Devotee meeting Mustard attended, where he was a big fan of the seven-layer dip,[2] and later at the Devotee retreat.[3]
