Ronny Lee Highsmith Jr

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Ronny Lee Highsmith Jr was born in Bluff City. During his childhood, his family moved to Eastern Kentucky so that his maternal grandfather could help set up a car factory specifically for the kind of vehicles that are able to travel between Bluff City, Blough City, and Bluffington Beach. While there, he often saw robots working at the car factory but he didn’t approach them as they “freak [him] out”.

After his father became ill, his family then moved to Bluffington Beach in order to be closer to the level of medical care his father needs. This has caused some internal conflict for Ronny, as his father will not admit that he is ill, insisting that they are just visiting Bluffington, and dodges the question when Ronny attempts to ask him about it. They are currently staying with Ronny's Aunt Josie in her cramped apartment.

While investigating the disappearance of Britney Namour, Ronny discovered that his family had actually meant to go to Bluff City for his father's care, but were changed to Bluffington as part of the Expansion Protocol. This greatly upset Ronny, as his father would have received a better level of medical care in Bluff City.

Ronny currently attends Bluffington Beach Middle School. He plays trumpet in the school band and is hoping to start a ska band with CC.

When playing Smash 0 with Frank, CC, and Nolan, Ronny does not have a main, as he hasn’t played enough video games to know who he likes.

One of his parents is from Bluff City, and the other is from Bluffington Beach.

He is currently trying to learn the trumpet in order to be a ska band with CC.

He is 11 years old.

Ronny is played by Andrew Lee Swan.

Tales From the Loop Mechanics

Kid Type: The Hick

Your classmates smile at you because of your tan, your pronunciation and your jokes, but what does it matter when you get to go out in the fields and the woods every day? The smell of corn and the grateful sounds that the cows make at morning milking have been a part of your life since you were born. You know how to build and repair an engine, how to drive a tractor, and how to hunt and slaughter animals.

Skills: Force (3), Move (3), Tinker (2), Comprehend (1), Empathise (1)

  • Luck: 4
  • Body: 4
  • Tech: 3
  • Heart: 1
  • Mind: 3

Song: ‘Chattahoochee’ by Alan Jackson

Iconic Item: A leatherman multitool.

Drive: “I just want to make friends.”

Pride: “I ain’t stupid.”

Problem: His dad is sick and doesn’t want to admit it.


Nolan Pearson: Nolan is teaching me the lay of the land.

Cory Curtis: I am trying to learn the trumpet to impress CC.

Frankie Already: She was the first person who didn’t look at me funny because of my accent.

NPC Relationships

James Garret: Mr Garret let me eat lunch in the band room before I made any friends.

Aunt Josie: Aunt Josie has asked me to help out around the house more because her new job makes her work weird hours.


Ronny’s anchor is his dad, Ronny Lee Highsmith Sr.