Twilight Mirage 08: We are the River, And it is the Sea

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Episode description

In the heart of Contrition’s Figure, the Beloved Dust continue to investigate a strange disturbance that is displacing the inhabitants of the rehabilitation facility. Fourteen Fifteen interrogates Declan’s Corrective, unrepentant member of the New Earth Hegemony*. Sho Salon lectures on the divines, while Tender Sky comes face to face with the past. Signet meets a group of the facility’s residents…. and someone else meets them, too.

They’re here…
This week on Twilight Mirage: We Are the River and It Is The Sea

The Living Library of Memorious // VOLUME 103J

Organizations: Non-Divine: Earth Sphere: Governmental: The New Earth Hegemony
While many simply refer to the collected forces of the Earth sphere as “the Earth Cult,” this a fundamental mischaracterization of a complex array of distinct (but aligned) governmental, cultural, and military organizations. Reconnaissance has revealed that the fulcrum of these groups is the New Earth Hegemony, a governing body whose reach extends throughout the Sol system and which functions as mediator and marshal. The NEH is led by a principal statehead called “the Hegemon,” but little is known about the figure currently in this role. (Also see: The Blue Path, Geocentrism)



[Primary] Dispatch 93B.

Priority. Protocol code: I-Quire touch Mirage α α α γ. Sub-protocol: bypass unknown.

Begin voice signature, primary observer Demani Dusk. Authorize direct communication channel.

Now entering linked broadcast quarantine. Connection with satellite observer cut. Connection with K-net wide cut. Connection with Mirage-wide cut.

Linking with K-upside switchboard. Linked. Connection with REHQ established.

Connection. Locked. Begin live transmission.

Boss, they're here. And I don't think they're just coming for her this time.


In Contrition's Figure Fourteen Fifteen and Tender Sky continue their interrogation of Declan's Corrective where he reveals he has killed 27 divines. Fourteen Fifteen reveals that they have forgotten 150 of the fleet's 300 Divines and Shoghig Salon gains a better understanding of Fourteen's situation. Elsewhere in Contrition's Figure Signet is is trapped alongside three residents who are bored and playing chess; Soft Stone, Blueberri Jin, and Korrin Kim. As the Beloved Dust move to reunite, the Iconoclasts strike leading to chaos.
