Adagio in G

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Revision as of 21:07, 11 October 2023 by Rigormorphis (talk | contribs)

When 2,000 years passed between the overture and the final bows, the exact shape of the play becomes helpfully obscured to anybody but the director. A system of control and surveillance so comprehensive, so effective, so far-reaching, that it cloaked itself in its total obviousness. I've been sent to Palisade to bring this planet on-cycle.

Adagio in G, or Adagio for short, is the codename for the Bilateral Intelligence Service's far-reaching plan to bring Palisade on-cycle.

The Adagio is widely recognized in the BIS as an audacious plan, and not everybody feels confident in it. Regardless, they are giving it a shot.[1]


Adagio in G was announced by Riah Connadine in "Today Is a Monday". Violet Cove attempted to counter the plan by indoctrinating the BIS spy Marlon Styx into the teachings of the Dim Liturgy, but this attempt ultimately did not work.[1]

The Tide of Embarkation festival on the Isle of the Broken Key is also part of the Adagio in G; it's facilitated in part by BIS spies in Violet Cove. Despite the conflict that takes place during festival preparations,[note 1] the festival continues and fulfills its role in the Adagio.[2]

