Sisters of the Mother-Beast

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Warning.png Spoiler warning!
This article contains major spoilers for the Hymn of the Mother-Beast arc of Sangfielle. Tread carefully!

"Is that one of them skeletons from the water?"

"No you idiot! Those are flower nuns!"

– an overheard conversation

The Sisters of the Mother-Beast are a group of nuns who worship the Mother-Beast and Child. They created the Hymn of the Mother-Beast.


In the Hymn, they are described as wearing nun's garb that is white and gray, with little bands of a similar maroon to that of the salt walls. They wear cornettes: a wide, crowned type of wimple, that resembles horns.

After the Hymn was linked with the Whiteflower Beast, some nuns return to Blackwick for Market Day with a changed appearance. Those with dry ceramic faces have a more glossy finish and beautiful, monochromatic-orange, flowered designs. Those whose faces were ashen, the ash has taken on a darker tan/brown color and they have white flowers blooming in their faces with little bits of plant matter growing from them.
