Mr. Good

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Franklin "Mr. Good" Bano is a Beacon. What's a Beacon? A Beacon is a super hero who isn't super at all.  This is your Hawkeye, your Batman, your Black Widow, even your Kitty Pryde--people who might have some extraordinary ability, but who aren't defined by that so much as they are defined by their desire to do the right thing and throw themselves in harm's way.

And Franklin leans hard in that latter direction: Mr. Good is, at just age 19 or 20, all beat up from years of pushing his body beyond its limits. We're not playing that too dark, but it is a nice dose of reality that helps ground a superhero game into the same basic vibe as the rest of Bluff City.

Despite having no superpowers, Franklin Bano decided to become a superhero around the around of 10-12, making his own costume out of sweatsuit material and taking karate lessons at Steve's American Dojo. At the time of When Justice Is Done he is 19 years old, and feels almost like he's ready to retire.

Franklin puts all his money towards "superhero hero stuff", and still feels like he has something to prove even if his body is fading. He has been working as a superhero all through high school, naming himself after a vice principal he had (“the second i was beating up adults I was doing it”).

Prior to joining up with Paternoster, The Champ, and Grouse, he was part of a team. Those team members (who had superpowers) moved on to university while Franklin remained behind in Bluff City. For him, joining up with the others in When Justice Is Done feels like "a sign of the start of something". He thinks The Champ is awesome, and that they have been through similar things. He also wants to prove himself to Grouse, because she has connections to the adult superhero world through Waxwing.

His immediate family (parents and siblings) know he’s a superhero and wish he wouldn’t do it. Although his secret identity isn't widely known, public opinion is also that he shouldn’t be operating as a superhero as he does not have powers (“this guy could get himself killed”).

Franklin is Black, with nappy hair and a slight/thin frame. When fighting crime, he wears draft number one of his spandex bodysuit costume, which is still wearable but the colours, which used to be blue with accent colours, have run together and the blue is faded, along with a domino mask. The bodysuit also has body armor components, which is segmented and can become a tourniquet when he is injured. Out of costume he favours comfortable, casual clothing (jeans, zip-up maroon sweatshirt with no hood and a t-shirt).


Although Franklin does not have superpowers, he is skilled at martial arts and acrobatics.

Moves (The Beacon)

Suck it, Domitian (Savior)

When you stand strong while dramatically under fire, roll +savior instead of +danger to directly engage a threat.

Pretty Much a Superhero (Savior)

When you bring bring up your superhero name to someone important (your call) for the first time, roll +savior. On a  hit, they’re heard of you; say which of your exploits they’ve heard about and which Label they think applies. On a  7-9, the GM will tell you something else they’ve heard, and pick a second label they assign to you. On a miss, they don’t take you seriously or mistrust you moving forward.


  • The Champ: I take any chance to hang out with her that I can.
  • Paternoster: I have to prove myself to her before I feel like a real hero.


Mr Good Has Influence Over

  • Paternoster

People Who Have Influence Over Mr Good

  • Everyone