Detective Sebastian Young

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Detective Sebastian Young (Mason Lawry) is a young and by-the-book detective, who’s naivety and idealistic nature sometimes gets him in over his head. Although he is originally from out of town, he has been with the Bluff City PD for two years.  

During the movie ‘The Eighty Six’, one of his informants was killed after he set up a meeting between them and the corrupt Chief of police. Investigating the death of his informant led to his becoming close to Detective Max Lam and Sargent Janis Stone, and gave him more confidence in himself while on the job.

After the events of the movie, Sebastian is shown to be taking on an active role with the new recruits and giving them guidance. It is unknown if he continued his relationship with Evelyn.

He is described as having fluffy hair and a “prim” dress-sense (button up shirts, tie (with the top button buttoned), suit pants), which reflects his personality. He looks similar to Spencer Reid (from Criminal Minds) "during his Patrick Jane phase".

Sebastian is good at card games as he is “the kind of person who counts cards without meaning to”.

Moves (Thespian)

Corrupt is as Corrupt Does

At the beginning of the movie, state whether you’re fighting or aiding the forces of corruption. You receive two corruption points. Spend these one for one through the course of the movie as you would a hold.

The Delivery

When making a Killer One-Liner move, roll +drama instead of +swagger.


When you deliver a solo speech about what’s going on in the movie, trying to piece together the events unfolding around you, roll +drama.

  • On a 10+, you gain insight into the emotional or physical nature of the conflict underpinning the plot. Name one thing that will happen related to the plot, no matter how big or small. The director will make it come true, at no cost to you (though it may involve a cost to others).
  • One a 7-9, as above but the events come true at great cost to yourself.
  • On a miss, your ramblings are the product of self-delusion about your abilities and/or powers of insight, Take -1 forward and the Director can make a move against you.


  • SWAT vest (2 armor)
  • Assault rifle (3 harm, far/close, autofire, loud)
  • Jaz diskette
  • Electric whip