Alekest san Geraint

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If you’re a long time reader of this publication, Alekest needs no introduction. You know him from his past adventures, like the slaying of the UnSevered Beast or his solitary stand at Cedartree Station. Maybe you forget some of the details, his angst-filled childhood, the fraught years after his mother’s death, his uncanny dreams. Well, Knight Pickman seems not to be a reader, if her confusion at the Margrave’s arrival is any indication.

(first mentioned) "Sang is a 34: Passage on ("the Porcelain Knight") and the Margrave of Tescano, a territory in the western part of Sangfielle. He aims to find nd Iron


He is a middle-aged Black man, with thinning and greying hair and slightly receded eyes; his face cast is Chiwetel Ejiofor. He wears armor that resembles porcelain, which is why people sometimes call him the Porcelain Knight. It is actually made of a white marble-like substance which he has dreamed about since childhood and which he believes comes from Zevunzolia.

He briefly wears an off-white seersucker suit for dancing in "Passage on the Jade Moon Pt. 3".

History and Involvement

He was initially a major Fortune fallout for Pickman, which she received in "Hark! The Citadel Beneath Pt. 1": "Hunted. The Shape Knights have found your heresy. A hunter has been dispatched." After he and Pickman both saw the scale model in "Hark! The Citadel Beneath Pt. 3", Zevunzolia retroactively became a part of his history.

He first meets Pickman directly when they both turn out to be passengers on the Jade Moon and he begins pestering her to share her knowledge of Zevunzolia.

Appears in