Yolk Harbour

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Revision as of 02:23, 18 July 2022 by Imperialhare (talk | contribs)

Yolk Harbour is a run down fishing village located 20-25 minutes from the Bluff City Zoo. It is a quiet area, "mostly little fishing piers".

Although you can see the only just see the Bluff City skyline it is still technically in Bluff City county area.

By the largest dock, there is an enclosed dock space which is used for events. It is a large space with high ceilings, although there is no roofing over the right corner of the enclosed dock. An awning used to be attached to the building but has since fallen off.

In a corner of the enclosed dock, there is a steel-doored room that can be electronically locked, although the room itself has no roof to it.

Events Held at Yolk Harbour

  • Flea Market (held on weekends when there is no other events on)
  • Fishing Tournament (one week prior to HoneyCon, held in the interior of the enclosed dock space)
  • HoneyCon (held in the interior of the enclosed dock space)