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(Redirected from Zo’la)

Zo'la is a projection artist and documentarian who seeks to create a cinematic work that captures the dynamic spirit of this historical moment. A wildcard and a vanguard. Friends with Gucci Garantine, despite having spent time on opposite sides of the Kesh/Apostolos war.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They have a large Oktomat-style camera head with many lenses, a steady cam attached to their head, and a wheeled body.

History and Involvement[edit | edit source]

Zo'la was born to Stel Columnar and later found themself to the Apostolosian ideology of Dynamism, which values speed, change, and violence above all else.

Zo is invited by Gucci Garantine to the initial Millennium Break conference, and soon joins the group. Zo helps create the Millennium Break documentary and propaganda film shown to Isles of Logos representatives, including Boole Batanca, in Auspice.

Gallery[edit | edit source]